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k-Radius Average Databricks Python Interview Question

k-Radius Average

Databricks Python Interview Question

You're given an array of integers and an integer .

The k-radius average for a subarray of centered at some index is the average of all elements from indices to (inclusive). If there aren’t enough elements before or after index to cover this radius, the k-radius average is .

Build and return an array of length , where contains the k-radius average for the subarray centered at index .

Return your result rounded to 2 decimal places.

p.s. before you tackle this challenge, maybe try this related warmup problem from Walmart called Average Subarray (where you find the maximum average of any subarray of length ).

Example #1

Input: nums = [7, 2, 5, 12, 9, 4, 1], k = 2

Output: [-1, -1, 7.0, 6.4, 6.2, -1, -1]


  1. For i = 0, i = 1, i = 5 and i = 6, we can’t calculate a k-radius average since there aren’t enough elements before or after these indices, that is why the value at those indexes is -1.

  2. For i = 2, we calculate the average of the subarray from nums[0] to nums[4], which gives us: (7+2+5+12+9)/5=35/5=7.0(7 + 2 + 5 + 12 + 9)/5 = 35/5 = 7.0

  3. For i = 3, we calculate the average of the subarray from nums[1] to nums[5], which gives us:
    (2+5+12+9+4)/5=32/5=6.4(2 + 5 + 12 + 9 + 4)/5 = 32/5 = 6.4

  4. For i = 4, we calculate the average of the subarray from nums[2] to nums[6], which gives us:
    (5+12+9+4+1)/5=31/5=6.2(5 + 12 + 9 + 4 + 1)/5 = 31/5 = 6.2


