Learn SQL In 30 Days Roadmap For FREE

Updated on

December 17, 2022

Want to learn SQL in 30 days, using completely FREE SQL resources? I've got you covered! πŸ‘‡

30 Day Learn SQL Roadmap

For context, this 30-day SQL roadmap has been used by the hundreds of aspiring Data Analysts and Data Scientists I career coach, and I can personally vouch for every single resource listed here in its ability to teach you SQL! And if for some reason you only have a week, I put an abridged version of the roadmap at the end!

π–πžπžπ€ 𝟏: Learn SQL Basics on SQLBolt

Work through the first 12 FREE interactive SQL lessons on SQL Bolt.

SQL Bolt SQL Tutorial

This will teach you SQL commands like:

  • Aggregate Functions (Count, Sum, AVG, etc.)

Don't worry about the Update/Create/Alter table lessons - skip these because they are more for database administrators. The majority of Data Analyst and Data Science work is about querying – not updating/altering the database tables!

If you find yourself breezing through this tutorial, use any extra time in week 1 to play these 4 fun SQL games.

4 SQL Games

π–πžπžπ€ 2: Re-Learn SQL Basics on DataLemurs Free SQL Tutorial

Work through the 30+ free intro + intermediate SQL tutorials on DataLemur. This will cover similar material as SQL Bolt BUUUT It's absolutely worth repeating these SQL concepts so that they'll sink into your brain!

DataLemur SQL Tutorial for Data Analysts & Data Scientists

This will teach you more SQL commands like:

  • CASE
  • SQL Math

Word of advice: actually do every single SQL exercise in the DataLemur SQL tutorial. While they aren't tough, there is a world of difference between reading a SQL tutorial, and actually DOING the exercises from the SQL tutorial! Plus, you don't even need to install anything – just run the SQL exercises in the browser – so you've got ZERO excuses.

π–πžπžπ€ πŸ‘ (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏): Mode SQL Tutorial

For the first half of the week, work through the Intermediate SQL lessons on Mode Analytics free SQL tutorial.

Mode SQL Tutorial

This will teach you more advanced SQL commands like:

  • CASE

If you are a speedy learner, I recommend their advanced SQL lessons as well, which are more open-ended SQL case studies, because it helps you start thinking like a proper data analyst!

π–πžπžπ€ πŸ‘ (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 2): SQL Case Studies

For the second half of the 3rd week, work through Danny Ma’s 8 week SQL Challenge! Don't let the name fool you, because if you focus the 8 SQL case studies can be done in half a week!

Danny Ma 8 Week SQL Challenge

These more open-ended questions will force you to combine and apply multiple SQL concepts which is a MUST for those learning SQL who hope to land Data Analytics & Data Science jobs.

Week 4: SQL Interview Prep on DataLemur

Put your SQL knowledge to the test on DataLemur by practicing the 60+ real SQL interview questions asked by companies like Facebook & Google. Each question comes with a full solution and multiple hints, and you can filter the question list based on which SQL pattern the problem uses.

SQL Interview Question Patterns on DataLemur

DataLemur also a comprehensive SQL Interview Guide for Data Analysts with tips on how to approach tricky SQL interview questions.

To start practicing, try the easy Amazon SQL interview question below.

Amazon SQL Interview Question

Since you're in a hurry, you'll also like this guide on cramming for SQL interviews, which covers how to study for a SQL assessment if you've only got a few hours or few days to prep.

How to Cram for a SQL Assessment.

If this 30-day plan seems like too much work, I have an easier 7-day SQL study roadmap too.

Can You Learn SQL In 1 Week?

It’s reasonable to learn the basics of SQL in one week, especially if you have past programming experience in a language like Python or R. By spending 2 hours a day, you’ll be able to finish this 14-hour SQL study plan in just 7 days.

  • Day 1: Do lessons 1 through 5 on SQL Bolt, covering select, and filtering & sorting query results. [Image]
  • Day 2: Do lessons 6 and 7 on SQL Bolt, covering SQL joins. Learn about the different join types visually.
  • Day 3: Do lessons 8 to 11 on SQL Bolt, covering NULL handling, along with aggregate functions like and .
  • Day 4: Do as many of the basic SQL lessons in the Mode SQL tutorial as you can to refresh your knowledge.
  • Day 5: Finish the basic SQL lessons on Mode, and try to do as many of the intermediate SQL lessons as you have time for.
  • Day 6: Solve the first case study from Danny Ma’s 8 Week SQL Challenge. This will help you apply your SQL knowledge to one specific problem.
  • Day 7: Practice 5 easy SQL Interview questions on DataLemur to test your SQL skills, and identify any gaps in your knowledge.

Got More Than 30 Days? Become a SQL Expert!

Let’s face it – 30 days is enough to start with SQL, but not enough to master SQL. If you’ve got more than a month, check out the SQL book recommendations in the list 17 Best Books for Data Analysts.

3 Best SQL Books For Data Analysts

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Career Resources

Free 9-Day Data Interview Crash CourseFree SQL Tutorial for Data AnalyticsSQL Interview Cheat Sheet PDFUltimate SQL Interview GuideAce the Data Job Hunt Video CourseAce the Data Science InterviewBest Books for Data AnalystsSQL Squid Game